General Questions
How to use the bitcoin doubler ?
- Go to index.html#about
-Enter your bitcoin adress where you want to receive your doubled bitcoins
- Press the "Deposit and Double Bitcoin" button
- You will find your generated deposit adress in the box that opens up
- Send between 0.019 and 0.9 Bitcoin to the provided adress
- Done. You will receive back your Bitcoins after process is finished
How much will i get back ?
You will get the doubled amount back, that you have put into the system.
Payout and time calculation:
Send 0.002 Btc and get 0.004 Btc instantly*
Send 0.0025 - 0.005 Btc to get 0.005 - 0.01 Btc in 5 hours
Send 0.01 Btc and get 0.09 Btc to get 0.1 - 0.9 Btc back in around 12 hours
Send 0.1 - 0.6 Btc and receive 0.2 - 1.2 Btc back in around 24-36 hours
How can this site be trusted ?
You can just check the Last Payments section and see for yourself the return on investments we made so far.
You could also kindly check our reviews or what the proofvideo that is featured on the main page.
We currently offer the option, that you can send 0.0019 Btc and receive 0.0038 back instantly.
One of our strongest advantages is that we provide insurance for the ingoing transasction. By saving your transaction id you can always trace the status of your bitcoin.
Do you sell bitcoin ?
No, we do not sell bitcoin
How, do you make a profit ?
We multiply the bitcoin more than one time, which means that when the algorithm is done with the doubling process we have around 230% of the original amount of btc.
This whole transaction will be split in order for you to get twice as much bitcoin as you spend, the rest goes to us.
Where can i buy bitcoin?
You need to sign up for Bitcoin wallet.
You can easely buy bitcoin online from , , and other sites with many payment options.
Are you protected against DDoS attacks?
Yes, we are using the strongest DDoS protection in the industry with 100% up-time guarantee.
Our website is protected by CloudFlare, the largest and most strongest DDoS protection available.
Copyright © 2016-2021 - All rights reserved is the best bitcoin doubler site in 2021.
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